The VERRRYYYY Haunted Hotel

I checked in to this hotel that was rumoured to be haunted. I was a ghost hunter who loved this kind of stuff, so I brought my camera.
I stopped outside the hotel and walked in where I was greeted by a man in a strange outfit. I didn't even have to say anything, he gave me a key to room 999. 
"Thank you" I said. The hotel manager just smiled at me.
I walked up to my room, 999, and reached into my pocket, where I had put the key. I couldn't find it.
"WHERE'S THE KEY?" I said in shock.
All the sudden, the plastic sign on the door fell off one of its hinges, turning 999 upside down to reveal "666".
I heard a strange laugh to my left. Hoping I was actually going to catch something, I whipped up my camera and snapped a picture down the hall, but I saw it with my own two eyes. He looked like a giant, realistic, anthropomorphic starfish.
"What is your name, evil demon?!" I shouted, backing away.
"PATRIXXX!" the starfish said.
"What do you want?"
"PATRIXXX!" He said again, coming closer to me. I escaped with my life. When I got home I showed the picture to the entire internet. What does he look like to you...?